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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Deanes

Challenger - Autumn 2024

One of our main drivers of our 'Building Character' work is our Challenger sessions.  Every student has these "innovative sessions" (Ofsted, 2019)  as part of their timetable curriculum offer.  These take place once every two weeks.   Students from across all year groups select an activity in which they participate. Next academic year students will gain an AQA Unit Award for each of these Challenger lessons completed.

Autumn 2023 Challenger Sessions

 Click on the titles for full details of the sessions.


Character Attributes

Animation Using Blender Creativity Ambition Curiosity Teamwork
An Introduction to Outdoor Learning Creativity Health Respect Curiosity Teamwork
Boxercise Training Health Attainment Respect Ambition Teamwork Responsibility
Brickwork for Beginners Creativity Attainment Ambition Curiosity Responsibility
Chess for Beginners Creativity Attainment Ambition Curiosity Teamwork
Country Flags and Symbols Creativity Respect Attainment Respect Curiosity
Creative Mindfulness Creativity Health Attainment Respect Empathy
Creative Poetry Creativity Attainment Respect Ambition Curiosity Empathy
Cross Country Running Health Attainment Ambition
Dance for Fun Health Respect Teamwork
Design a Small House Challenge Creativity Attainment Ambition Curiosity Responsibility
Dissection Attainment Respect Ambition Curiosity Empathy Responsibility
Double D.E.A.R. Reading for Pleasure Creativity Ambition Curiosity
Fitness Health Attainment Respect Ambition Responsibility
How to Sew Creativity Ambition Curiosity Responsibility
Introduction to French Creativity Attainment Respect Curiosity
Introduction to Karate (Wado-Ryu) Health Attainment Respect Ambition Curiosity Teamwork
Modular Synthesis Creativity Attainment Respect Ambition Curiosity
Quilting Creativity Ambition Curiosity Responsibility
Short Story Writing Creativity Attainment Ambition Curiosity Empathy
Spirited Arts Creativity Attainment Respect Curiosity Empathy
Table Tennis Health Attainment Respect Ambition Teamwork
Volleyball Health Attainment Respect Ambition Teamwork
Walking and Exercising a Dog in All Weathers Health Respect Empathy Responsibility
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