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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Deanes

Our Promises


Promise#1 - iMatter as an individual at the deanes

 Our curriculum supports Promise#1 by:

Developing individuals that understand society, build a firm set of personal morals and engage in the community in which they live and understand its culture.

The Deanes is a smaller than average 11-16 comprehensive academy, situated in Thundersley, Essex. The school admits 120 students each year.

"This is a friendly place to go to school. Pupils are well behaved. They listen to their teachers and get on well with each other in their free time. Pupils told us that it is fine to be different. They said that bullying is unusual and, if it does happen, adults deal with it well." (Ofsted, 2019)

At The Deanes, our curriculum is underpinned by our iMatter ethos and values.  Our curriculum is instrumental in the fulfilment of our iMatter Promises.  Our curriculum not only reflects the needs of our students and our community, but it promotes a love of learning and personal growth.

We do this with a creative and relevant curriculum which inspires and motivates all students to develop as individuals and achieve academic excellence. We support our students and equip them with the skills and attributes they need to become confident, determined and respectful young adults who have exciting and ambitious aspirations for their futures.

At The Deanes, we are committed to equality. We aim for every student to fulfil their potential no matter what their needs.  The Deanes is committed to anti-discriminatory practice to promote equality of opportunity and valuing diversity for all children and families.


Promise#2 - imatter as a learner at the deanes

Our curriculum supports Promise#2 by:

Developing the behaviours and habits that learners need to succeed such as concentration, perseverance, imagination, co-operation, enjoyment, self-improvement and curiosity.

Our inclusive culture promotes belonging and engagement establishing a learning environment in which all students can feel like they belong. Our teaching practices and curricula provide the opportunity for all students to reach their potential. We identify and plan to overcome barriers that prevent students from diverse backgrounds from learning aiming that no student is automatically disadvantaged.

Promise#3 - imatter as a student at the deanes

Our curriculum supports Promise#3 by:

Developing the appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding so that our students flourish, reach and exceed their potential academically, physically and creatively.

At The Deanes, we believe every child has the ability to achieve.  We seek to ensure all children, regardless of ability or personal circumstances, have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.   Work within each classroom is structured so that all children are motivated to achieve their full potential.  Regular assessments ensure that all students are able to make progress, and enable early intervention to take place where appropriate. There are many opportunities provided for our Gifted, Talented and Most Able students, including a variety of challenging learning activities, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) events, Easter and Summer Schools and a range of cross-curricular projects. Students with Special Educational Needs are monitored and supported by the dedicated SENCO, in conjunction with subject teachers. 

For more information about our curriculum, please contct Ms K Corp (kcorp@thedeanes.essex.sch.uk).

Promise#4 - imatter as a future citizen at the deanes

 Our curriculum supports Promise#4 by:

Developing future citizens who have a holistic set of skills and values that prepares them for life in a diverse, ever changing, modern world.

'Building Character' at The Deanes is an embodiment of our Promise #4.We use our 'Building Character' model to link all aspects of life at The Deanes and explicitly demonstrate how we are embedding our Promise#4 in lessons and through extra-curricular activities.  It encompasses RHSE, SMSC and Careers Eduaction, as well as our "innovative" Challenger Sessions (Ofsted, 2019).

We have an extensive programme of extra-curricular clubs and educational visits which cover a wide range of both subject related and general interest activities.

Promise#5 - imatter as a parent at the deanes

The Deanes actively encourages parents to get involved in all aspects of school life.  We believe that a child’s learning experience is enhanced when parents and the school work together to support the student. 

During the first months at The Deanes, all parents will be invited to meet their child’s tutor to establish a point of contact and to support the student with the move to secondary school. To further ease this transition, we have a dedicated email address for Year 7 parents. 

Regular contact is maintained throughout the year via online systems and Parents’ Evenings. Each term we hold a Parent Voice meeting, where parents and carers can come and meet with the Headteacher and members of the Senior Leadership team, to discuss any aspect of school life.  These meetings are an effective way for parents to communicate their views directly with the school.

We are fortunate to have a very active PTA who work tirelessly alongside the school, arranging events to raise funds for activities that will benefit our school community.  All new parents are encouraged to join.

Promise#6 - imatter as an employee at the deanes

Leaders are successful in caring for the well-being of staff. Leaders make sure staff maintain a work-life balance. Staff say that they appreciate, for example, leaders’ insistence on no emails being sent after 6.00pm. One response to the survey for staff captured the essence of others’ views, describing ‘considerate leadership’. Staff enjoy working at this school.” (Ofsted, 2019)

At The Deanes we offer a wide range of professional development opportunities including:

  • Tailor-made CPD at individual and group level to support all staff

  • High quality external speakers and training providers to encourage innovative practice

  • Opportunities for teachers to observe other colleagues, sharing best practice across the Trust

  • Formative, actionable feedback that helps teachers to focus their learning and track their professional growth.

Our staff have access to an ever-expanding CPD library and high quality resources including The National College and subject associations. As part of our commitment to Continued Professional Development, students finish at 13:10 each Friday to accommodate our dedicated Friday afternoon, in-house training programme. 

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