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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Deanes

Challenger Details - Spring 2025


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Boccai Ultimate Frisby Goalball
To participate in a game of Boccai, understanding and implementing the rules correctly. To participate in a game of Ultimate Frisby, understanding and implementing the rules correctly. To participate in a game of Goalball, understanding and implementing the rules correctly.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

French Cricket Capture the Flag Sitting Volleyball
To participate in a game of French Cricket, understanding and implementing the rules correctly. To participate in a game of Capture the Flag, understanding and implementing the rules correctly. To participate in a game of Sitting Volleyball, understanding and implementing the rules correctly.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Health, Attainment, Respect, Curiosity, Teamwork, Empathy Education and Childcare, Sport


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Preparation of Materials Introduction to Sewing Techniques Batting and Binding
To understand what quilting is and to select the right materials for our project. To look at a range of sewing techniques and to select one to practice. To embroider their name using their chosen technique. To complete all sections of their personalised project. To sew their hexagons together to have a finished quilted piece.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Creating Templates for Applique Bondaweb and Hand Sewing Batting and Binding
To select the correct templates and materials for hand applique. Learn how to turn your template into a piece of applique. Using bondaweb to learn how to fix the material. Learn how to use a blanket stitch. To consolidate the knowledge of how to complete all sections of their personal project. To sew their hexagon together to have a final finished piece.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Attainment, Ambition, Curiosity Education and Childcare, Construction, Manufacturing, Fashion and Design


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Blender Basics Lighting and Colour Soft body Physics
This lesson we will be looking at the basics of animation using objects to move and interact with each other. Pupils will learn how to add lighting and colour to their work and modify the colours. Pupils will learn how change the properties of the object to make them behave differently.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Fabric Animating a person Putting it all together
Pupils will learn how to change the properties of an object to make it look at and behave like fabric Pupils will be able to animate a person in order to create movement Pupils will finish their animation and be able to showcase their work for assessment.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Attainment, Ambition, Curiosity, Teamwork Media and Creative, Marketing


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Test Your Fitness Test Your Fitness Interval Training
The students will compete in fitness tests to determine their starting point. The aim is to complete these to the best of their ability. The students will continue to compete in several fitness tests to determine their starting point. The aim is to complete these to the best of their ability. Students to complete interval training. Understanding the importance of interval training and how to incorporate this into their workout routines.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Circuit Training Agility Training Test Your Fitness
Students to complete circuit training. Understanding the importance of circuit training and how to incorporate this into their workout routines. Students to complete the Illinois Agility training. Understanding the importance of agility training and how to incorporate this into their workout routines. Students will participate in tests they performed at the start of the Challengers and compare their results. The aim is to improve their fitness levels over the Challenger sessions.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Health, Responsibility Healthcare, Sport


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Intro to Different shots in Boxing The three defensive Techniques in Boxing Combination techniques
To understand the Four main techniques and movements within Boxing and be able to perform with confidence and sound technique. Understand and be able to perform the 3 defensive techniques with confidence. Be able to combine the offensive and defensive techniques when working with a partner safely.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Group Pad work Boxercise Circuit Training Lead a small Boxercise Class
Be able to work with different partners successfully on the Boxing pads. Be able to follow instructions and perform the appropriate techniques under pressure. Plan and perform a boxing style circuit. Perform appropriate exercises to improve fitness for Boxing. Students to lead a small boxercise session based on all knowledge they have learnt over the 6 weeks.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Health, Attainment, Respect, Teamwork, Responsibility Education and Childcare, Sport


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Construction building. To be able to recognise tools needed for bricklaying and how to select appropriate materials. To give pupils a working knowledge of how to work in a construction environment. Also, to begin using a simple mix and laying a brick and use a level.
Tools and materials familiarisation Site safety and PPE, laying the first brick. Design brief and commencement of building project.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Go through what they will build and dry build two courses to establish understanding. Then begin combining all the previous learning and start building to the brief. Master the constant use of tools, working to a time frame. Master the constant use of tools, working to a time frame.
Working on the building project using tools and materials. Working on the building project using tools and materials Complete build, tidy up
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Complete the build to satisfy the design brief. Record of work completed. Clear away all building materials. Engineering, Science, Construction, Manufacturing, Agriculture


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Introduction to Calm and Creative Getting closer Using your words
Students will learn about the links between art and religion Students will model some seasonal clay items and learn about the symbolism of clay in religion. They will also practice breathe Art. Students will create art using words from inspirational texts.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Mandala decorating Be inspired! Gallery
Student will learn about the symbolism of mandalas and create their own using wood cuts. Students will choose one of their experimental pieces and develop it into a final creative piece. Students will create a gallery for their pieces and create short pieces of writing explaining how they produced their submissions.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Respect, Curiosity, Empathy, Responsibility Media and Creative, Education and Childcare


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Introduction Cheer Movement Principals of a Routine
Students to complete warm up appropriately before commencing activity. Students to complete perform a range of movements with regular control, consistency, and accuracy, e.g., gesture, stepping or locomotion, jumping, turning, cheer/chant. Students to grasp the principal rules, conventions, and etiquette of cheerleading.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Plan and Deliver a Routine Plan and Deliver a Routine Plan and Deliver a Routine
Students to plan, practice and perform a short sequence or routine of movements. Students to plan, practice and perform a short sequence or routine of movements. Students to plan, practice and perform a short sequence or routine of movements.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Health, Attainment, Respect, Curiosity, Teamwork, Empathy Education, Sport


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Introduction and Goal of the Game Setting Up the Chessboard How the Chess Pieces Move
Understand the purpose of chess and its basic principles Learn the correct setup of the chessboard and initial piece positions. Master the movement and capturing rules for all chess pieces.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Check, Checkmate, and Basic Tactics Special Moves: Castling and Promotion Special Move: En Passant and Game Review
Understand check, checkmate, and basic defensive and offensive tactics. Learn the rules and benefits of castling and pawn promotion. Understand the en passant rule and review all concepts learned.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Curiosity, Empathy Education and Childcare, Gaming


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Warming Up and Cooling Down Choreography 1 Choreography 2
Students learn how to prepare their bodies to dance safely with an awareness of space. Students consider different styles they might want to perform and start to choreograph and learn a routine. Students continue to choreograph and learn a routine.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Choreography 3 Rehearsal Performance
Students continue to choreograph and learn a routine. Students finish learning a routine ready for performance Students perform the final dance to a live invited audience.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Health, Respect, Ambition, Teamwork, Responsibility Performing Arts


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Introduction to the National Archives Gunpowder Plot: Can you uncover the plan of the plotters? How did London respond to the Great Plague 1665-1666?
To discover where historians find information from the past and build respect for the profession. To learn how historians are ambitious in building on other's work to create chronological events of the past. - To work as a team to uncover the Gunpowder plot using historical evidence - To learn the significance of the plot for the reign of James I - To build curiosity by asking questions in order to investigate the sources and a judgement on the evidence.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Did the Factory Act 1833 solve the problem of children in factories? Did the punishment fit the crime? Who travelled on the Titanic?
- To show empathy for the children forced to work in factories during the Victorian period. - To analyse both visual and written sources in order to reach a judgement - To show creativity by using the pieces of evidence to answer the session title. - To show respect and empathy for the severe punishments of the Victorian period for children. - To understand and show empathy for the treatment class divisions of the time. - To challenge misconceptions by showing ambition and curiosity to figure out the truth.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Respect, Ambition, Curiosity, Teamwork, Empathy Media and Creative, Law, Education and Childcare, Public Services


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

The history of dissection Eye dissection Pluck dissection
Describe how the approach to dissection has changed over time. Evaluate the morals and ethics behind decisions to dissect organisms. Describe the structure of the eye. Learn how to dissect with care and precision. Describe how organs link to form systems. Practise how to dissect with care and precision.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Frog dissection Fish dissection Rat dissection
Describe how organ systems are linked within an organism such as a frog. Practise how to dissect with care and precision. Describe how organ systems are linked within an organism such as a fish. Compare organisation within a frog and fish. Practise how to dissect with care and precision. Describe how organ systems are linked within an organism such as a fish. Compare organisation within a frog, fish and rat. Practise how to dissect with care and precision.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Respect, Curiosity, Teamwork, Empathy Healthcare, Science


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Double DEAR session 1 Double DEAR session 2 Double DEAR session 3
Students will bring along a book they enjoy and read in silence for the duration of the session Students will bring along a book they enjoy and read in silence for the duration of the session Students will bring along a book they enjoy and read in silence for the duration of the session

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Double DEAR session 4 Double DEAR session 5 Double DEAR session 6
Students will bring along a book they enjoy and read in silence for the duration of the session Students will bring along a book they enjoy and read in silence for the duration of the session Students will bring along a book they enjoy and read in silence for the duration of the session
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Health, Attainment, Respect, Ambition, Curiosity, Empathy, Responsibility Healthcare, Law, Education and Childcare, Engineering, IT, Sport, Marketing, Science, Finance, Construction, Manufacturing, Hospitality and Retail, Agriculture, Public Services


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

getting started with e- D of E Country code and highway code expedition first aid 1
students will set up e- D of E accounts and learn how to use the site learn the rules of the countryside and road safety students will learn basic first aid for outdoor expeditions

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Session 6

expedition first aid 2 map skills route planning
students will learn basic first aid for outdoor expeditions students will learn basic map reading skills using OS maps and a compass students will learn how to plot routes using OS maps
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Health, Attainment, Respect, Ambition, Curiosity, Teamwork, Empathy, Responsibility Healthcare, Education and Childcare, Engineering, Sport, Construction, Public Services


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Fitness Fitness Fitness
To understand and demonstrate a range of cardiovascular exercises and the benefits to health. To understand and demonstrate a range of cardiovascular endurance exercises. To develop individual fitness training plans incorporating various fitness components.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Fitness Fitness Creativity, Health, Attainment, Ambition, Curiosity
To reflect on personal fitness strengths and areas to develop. To evaluate the fitness training plan and set targets for the future. Education and Childcare, Sport, Science
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
The character attributes will be developed weekly in response to each objective. The objectives will help to cover specific aspects of each role.


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Fitness and nutrition Upper body workout Lower body workout
Students to be able to identify the different types of fitness they will be involved in To be able to understand the reason for nutritious meals Full body workout together with warm up and cool down complete a full upper body workout To be able to identify a macro diet To complete a full lower body and core workout To understand a micro diet (fruits and veg)

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Importance of cardio Full Body and cardio Upper body workout
To understand the importance of cardio Complete a cardio workout Healthy lunches for school Complete a full body and cardio session Understand which foods may be unhealthy as a packed lunch for school To know what food they should be eating for energy and focus Complete a upper body workout
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Health, Attainment Healthcare, Education and Childcare, Sport, Fitness industry as a personal trainer, fitness instructor or a nutritionist.


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Europe Asia North America
Identify and name at least three major European flags and associate them with their respective countries Recognise and replicate the colours of at least three major Asian flags Locate at least two major countries on a map of North America and match them with their corresponding flags

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

South America Africa Oceania
Recall and identify flags of at least three South American countries Recognise and name at least three common symbols found in flags and incorporate them into a personal flag design Knowledge of at least two unique features of the Australian flag and craft a version of it
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Attainment, Ambition, Curiosity, Teamwork Media and Creative, Education and Childcare


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Why do we need sleep? What makes a good nights sleep? Strategies and tips for when we can't sleep
Learning why we as humans need sleep and the importance Identify what makes a good nights sleep and what are good sleep habits Sharing ideas and resources for when we can't sleep

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Dreams Planning for a good nights sleep What did we find out?
Identify why we dream and learn about the meaning of dreams Plan strategies for supporting in getting a good nights sleep Summarising what we have learnt this term and what else we could do
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Health, Curiosity, Responsibility Healthcare, Education and Childcare, Sport, Science


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Learning and refining sewing skills Sewing Techniques Sock Monkey: Create your own stuffed companion
In this session, we’ll kick off by mastering and enhancing the essentials of sewing with a machine. You’ll learn how to thread the machine correctly and practice stitching techniques to ensure precision and confidence as you begin your sewing journey. (All abilities suitable – students that have attended before will have tasks tweaked for them to support and extend.) In this session, you’ll develop your hand-sewing skills by learning how to securely sew on components. Additionally, you'll create a machine-stitched sample, allowing you to further practice and refine your sewing machine techniques. In order to refine out skills and have fun we will be learning how to machine and create a sock monkey from our odd socks. This week we will start to create the body. By the end of the term, you’ll have a nicely handmade stuffed toy to take home or give as a special gift.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Sock Monkey: Create monkey body parts Sock Monkey: Assembling and decoration Sock Monkey: Assembling and decoration
In this session, you’ll start bring your monkey to life by machining your monkeys, arms, ears and tail. We will use a simple pattern, trace and pin out parts then machine sew them together working in small teams to ensure our success and enhance our oracy (speaking) and communication. With your monkey’s body and parts prepared this session you will be securely fastening all part in place including the tail and creating your monkey’s face. You may alter feature positions to create different looks e.g., mischievous, goofy, happy or scary. In this final session, you'll add the finishing touches to your sock money and ensuring your work is complete. Extension activities available for those finished. You will also be taking home your finished super cute sock monkey for your room or may choose to gift your hand-made toy. Enjoy!
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Attainment, Ambition, Curiosity, Teamwork Media and Creative, Manufacturing


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

German Culture Pronunciation and Greetings German food and drinks
To be able to work as a group to uncover interesting facts about German culture, including landmarks, food and drink, celebrities and sports. To understand how to pronounce different letters and sounds in German and introduce yourself. To understand how to translate different food and drinks.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Ordering food and drinks Directions to places in town. German recap!
To understand how to order food and drinks in a restaurant and ask for prices. To understand how to ask for directions to different places in town. To put all of your knowledge together to practice a conversation in pairs.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Attainment, Curiosity, Teamwork Media and Creative, Education and Childcare, Hospitality and Retail, Public Services


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

D&D / Adventure games Deeper into the world of the board. Game design and mechanics.
Develop communication and collaborative skills when playing a team based adventure game. Unpick the features and mechanics of a collaborative adventure game and begin to plan your own. Start developing your own adventure story game. - Writing the story / Creating the characters. - Creating encounters and difficulty scaling.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Character abilities and developments. Play test one. Play test two.
Developing and improving the overall game with focus on how players progress and advance their characters. Play test the game and correct any issues regarding story and character design. Play test the game again, resolve any further issues.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Ambition, Curiosity, Teamwork, Responsibility Media and Creative, Art.


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Approaching a dog What sort of exercise do dogs need? Basic equipment for walking a dog.
Learn safe, polite, and appropriate ways to approach a dog. Understand the different types of exercise dogs need and the best time to walk them. Learn how to put a collar or harness on a dog calmly and safely, and how to hold the lead correctly.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Walk alongside a dog on several occasions. Allowing the dog safe freedom. Allowing the dog freedom for part of the walk.
Learn how to walk a dog on a lead and the benefits of doing so regularly. Identify safe places on a walk to let the dog run free and understand the importance of clearing up after the dog. Learn to let the dog run free in a safe place and practice recalling and catching the dog to put it back on the lead.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Health, Respect, Empathy, Responsibility Sport, Agriculture, Any work involving dogs and animal care.


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Maintaining an Outdoor Space Wooden Disc Weaving & Sun Squares Wind Chimes & Mobiles
To learn safe practices in outdoor spaces. To maintain an area of woodland for outdoor learning and to clear litter from the space. Students will learn how to safely use a palm drill. Students will use a mix of natural and man-made materials to create Sun Squares and weave a geometric pattern onto a wooden disc. Students will learn to forage for a range of materials to create nature-based art. Students will then use their forage materials and given tools to create a set of natural wind chimes and mobiles.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

An Introduction to Hapa Zome & Natural Dies An introduction to foraging Wellness in the Woods
Students will learn about the traditional Japanese art form of hapa zome and tataki zome. Students will then forage for their own natural materials and create a plant print. Students will also learn about nature-based dies. They will then create their own die and complete their printed piece with a natural-died border. Students will learn about the skill of foraging. Students will learn to identify common woodland plants and identify their uses in food and wellness. Students will learn about the practices of mandala creation and shinrin-yoku (forest bathing). Students will then look for and collect their own natural materials to create a spring nature mandala. Students will participate in a forest bathing inspired meditation.
This course will help build these CHARACTER attributes: This course will develop skills that would be useful in the following job sectors:
Creativity, Health, Curiosity Healthcare, Education and Childcare
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