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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Deanes

Extending Learning

We use various online platforms to support our students with homework and revision.








Homework is an integral part of curriculum delivery at The Deanes; it is a planned learning activity that provides students with the opportunity to:

  • Explore and broaden their knowledge of a topic

  • Consolidate their understanding 

  • Prepare in advance for a lesson 

  • Refine their skills and develop fluency through practice 

  • Develop independence and effective study skills.

Research indicates that homework at secondary school has a significant impact on student progress and is one of the most effective ways of reducing the Disadvantage gap (Education Endowment Foundation).

Our approach to homework is outlined below:

  • A homework timetable is in place for all subjects and year groups. Students and teachers are required to adhere to this timetable so that workloads are manageable. Teachers may set additional ‘optional’ homework for their subject to provide students with further opportunities to extend their learning.

  • All homework must be setting using Epraise. This enables parents and students to view tasks easily and allows Programme Leaders to quality assure the work that is set.

  • Teachers must record all homework submitted using Epraise. This enables parents to support with their child’s learning and for Heads of Year to monitor the engagement of their Year groups.

  • For the first half term, teachers will not set detention for incomplete homework for Year 7 students. This is to assist Year 7 with the transition to secondary school.

  • When planning homework activities, teachers will consider setting activities which limit the amount of work to be directly ‘handed in’ to the teacher for marking. As well as written tasks, effective homework activities can include pre-reading activities, focused research and planning, consolidation activities such as quizzing and mind-mapping, guided independent study using online programs and practicing skills. Where written responses are required, students will be encouraged to submit their work using Epraise.

  • In order to provide specific and timely feedback on homework, teachers will consider alternatives to handwritten comments. Teachers may comment on work using Epraise and immediate feedback can be gained through the use of quizzing and online programs.  

how Parents / Carers can helP

Parents and carers play an essential role in your learning and can assist with your homework in the following ways:

  • Use Epraise to check what homework you have been set; you may need some support to organise their time in order to meet deadlines.

  • Speak with you about the homework you have been set and how this links to what you are learning in school.

  • Check you have completed your homework and encourage you to complete it to the best of your ability.

  • Support you to develop effective study habits by working in a quiet environment free from distractions such as mobile phones and social media.

  • Encourage you to ask for help with homework if you need it by speaking with your teachers directly.

  • Contact your Form Tutor  if you are having difficulties with your homework.


Year 7 Homework Timetable

Homework will be set weekly for English, Maths and Science and on a fortnightly basis for Humanities and Languages. Performance, Creative, Social Science subjects and Computing will be set on a monthly basis. Whilst individual homework tasks may vary, students are generally expected to dedicate approximately 30 minutes to each piece of homework set.

Week beginning


9th September 2024

No homework is set for Year 7 this week

16th September 2024 

English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, Music, Science

23rd September 2024 

English, Maths, PE, Religious Studies, Science, Spanish

30th September 2024

CDT, Drama, English, Geography, History, Maths, Science

7th October 2024

Art, English, Food, Maths, PCE, Science, Spanish

14th October 2024

English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, Music, Science

21st October 2024

English, Maths, PE, Religious Studies, Science, Spanish

28th October

Half term

4th November 2024

CDT, Drama, English, Geography, History, Maths, Science

11th November 2024

Art, English, Food, Maths, PCE, Science, Spanish

18th November 2024

English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, Music, Science

25th November 2024

English, Maths, PE, Religious Studies, Science, Spanish

2nd December 2024

CDT, Drama, English, Geography, History, Maths, Science

9th December 2024

English, ICT, Maths, Music, Science, Spanish

16th December 2024

English, Geography, History, Maths, Science

Year 8 Homework Timetable

Homework will be set weekly for English, Maths and Science and on a fortnightly basis for Humanities and Languages. Performance, Creative, Social Science subjects and Computing will be set on a monthly basis. Whilst individual homework tasks may vary, students are generally expected to dedicate between 30 – 45 minutes to each piece of homework set.

Week beginning


9th September 2024

Drama, English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, Science

16th September 2024

CDT, English, Maths, Personal citizenship, Science, Spanish

23rd September 2024

English, Food, Geography, History, Maths, Music, PE, Science

30th September 2024

Art, English, Maths, Religious studies, Science, Spanish

7th October 2024

Drama, English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, Science

14th October 2024

CDT, English, Maths, Personal citizenship, Science, Spanish

21st October 2024

English, Food, Geography, History, Maths, Music, PE, Science

28th October 2024

Half term

4th November 2024

Art, English, Maths, Religious studies, Science, Spanish

11th November 2024

Drama, English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, Science

18th November 2024

CDT, English, Maths, Personal citizenship, Science, Spanish

25th November 2024

English, Food, Geography, History, Maths, Music, PE, Science

2nd December 2024

Art, English, Maths, Religious studies, Science, Spanish

9th December 2024

CDT, English, Geography, History, Maths, Personal citizenship, Science

16th December 2024

English, Maths, Science, Spanish

Year 9 Homework Timetable

Homework will be set weekly for English, Maths and Science and on a fortnightly basis for Humanities and Languages. Performance, Creative, Social Science subjects and Computing will be set on a monthly basis. Whilst individual homework tasks may vary, students are generally expected to dedicate between 45 - 60 minutes to each piece of homework set.

Week beginning


9th September 2024

English, Geography, History, Maths, Music, Religious studies, Science

16th September 2024

Art, CDT, English, Maths, Science, Spanish

23rd September 2024

English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, PE, Science

30th September 2024

Drama, English, Food, Maths, Personal citizenship, Science, Spanish

7th October 2024

English, Geography, History, Maths, Music, Religious studies, Science

14th October 2024

Art, CDT, English, Maths, Science, Spanish

21st October 2024

English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, PE, Science

28th October 2024

Half term

4th November 2024

Drama, English, Food, Maths, Personal citizenship, Science, Spanish

11th November 2024

English, Geography, History, Maths, Music, Religious studies, Science

18th November 2024

Art, CDT, English, Maths, Science, Spanish

25th November 2024

English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, PE, Science

2nd December 2024

Drama, English, Food, Maths, Personal citizenship, Science, Spanish

9th December 2024

Art, CDT, English, Geography, History, Maths, Science

16th December 2024

English, Maths, Science, Spanish

Year 10 Homework Timetable

Homework will be set weekly for English, Maths, Science and Option subjects following the schedule below. Whilst individual homework tasks may vary, students are generally expected to dedicate between 45 – 60 minutes on each piece of homework set. In order to further support students to develop their study skills in preparation for their exams, students will be encouraged to engage in guided revision activities at least three times per week. 

Year 11 Homework Timetable

 Homework will be set weekly for English, Maths, Science and Option subjects following the schedule below. Whilst individual homework tasks may vary, students are generally expected to dedicate between 45 – 60 minutes on each piece of homework set. In order to further support students to develop their study skills in preparation for their exams, students will be encouraged to engage in guided revision activities at least three times per week.

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