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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Deanes

School Walk

We will be holding our annual School Walk on Monday 15 July 2024 (with a reserve date of Friday 19 July 2024 in case of bad weather). 


Students in Years 7 - 9 will be off timetable for the day and they will need to wear their PE tops, suitable navy bottoms and trainers.  On the day, students will complete a sponsored walk around the local area using the Olympic Mountain Biking Course for part of the course up to Hadleigh Castle.  Students will use footpaths along the main roads to and from the Olympic Course.  


We are hoping that we can raise at least £2000.  All the money raised will be used to subsidise the Challenger lessons we have each fortnight.


The Just Giving page can be accessed from our school website – thedeanes.academy/Giving.  In addition, could you please encourage your child to ask relatives and friends to sponsor them on the relevant Just Giving page.


Registration will be as normal in the morning, students will then leave in tutor groups at staggered start points.  Tutors and staff will accompany students on the walk throughout the day.  There will also be stewards on the walk and designated points during the course where students will stop for registration.    The walk should take students 4 hours to complete including a stop for lunch, therefore, they should be back around 14:00.  Once they are registered back in school, they will be released to go home.


Students need to ensure that they bring 2 bottles of water, a packed lunch, sun block and a hat if necessary.  We would recommend that they have these in their ruck sack for the walk.  Lunch will be provided at the start of the day for students in receipt of free school meals.  Our canteen will be selling packed lunches comprising of a sandwich, packet of crisps and a drink for £3.00 on the morning of the walk.

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