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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Deanes


Year 10 Curriculum plans

Term What are we learning? What Knowledge, Understanding and Skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?


Self-PortraitsIn this term students will be completing one project, which introduces them to the work of two different Graphic designers and to a range of work on the theme of self-portrait. The students will be examining the characteristics of the designers work, building on and developing the work done last year on critical analysis and using this knowledge to inform their own work. The student will use a range of had rendering techniques to record a series of self-portraits, recording their understanding of the qualities of each of the materials. Students will learn how to annotate with increasing depth of understanding of the visual language used by each artist/designer and will start to use that language to inform their own work. Students will experiment with a range of materials, recording their observations of each technique as they use it. Students will select from their experiences of different materials and techniques to create an original piece of work in the genre of self-portrait. Students will present their wok to an audience and will learn how to be able to explain the narrative of the development of their work. Students will produce a narrative iterative development of a final piece of work, which shows the fullest of development processes, including a full and deep analysis of the work of two professional designers. Their final piece will be fully complete and will make use of a recognizable reference back to the work of the initial professional designers work. The student will be able to present their work and present their thinking throughout. They will demonstrate a high ability to create a portfolio which satisfies Assessment criteria 1-4 at the exceptional level. This work will be presented as part of their portfolio work, which will begin to form their body of work. In addition Students will present outcomes and their peers will be required to peer assess these outcomes, to develop their critical awareness. Their skills based work will be assessed against the Assessment Objectives AO1-4 in the AQA Scheme of Work.


Book CoversThis term, students will be completing a project which will help them to strengthen their understanding of the narrative structure of a project. It is focused around book covers and the specific genre of childrens book illustration and graphics. We are going to use a classic childrens book. Although the students will be producing an individual response to the project brief, but will be guided through the requirements of the project so that they gain a better understanding of how the assessment objectives key into each other and build to support all the necessary skills included in each assessment objective. Students will gain an extra understanding of the assessment objectives and their underpinning of the iterative approach to design development. They will be guided towards an individual response to the brief. Students will conduct an analysis of classic childrens illustration and its use of typography and varied approaches to illustration and graphics. The students will also be introduced to the statutory information which publishing requires to be held o a book cover and the role that this has to play and how this might impact on the finished illustration. Students will experiment with a range of materials, recording their observations of each technique as they use it. The students will also strengthen their understanding of effective annotation. Students will have a completed project at the end which has high quality analysis, with all key issues and elements addressed within the analysis. This will have depth of understanding and will utilize high quality literacy and language. Each element of the assessment objectives will be fully addressed and will key into the iterative and narrative structure of the whole. Students will also contribute t class criticisms with effective comments which assist other students to make progress. The student will experiment with different media and will utilize the appropriate media to achieve the desired effect within the genre The student will have fully investigated different media and will have made reasoned choices. This work will be presented as part of their portfolio work, which will begin to form their body of work. In addition Students will present outcomes and their peers will be required to peer assess these outcomes, to develop their critical awareness. Their skills based work will be assessed against the Assessment Objectives AO1-4 in the AQA Scheme of Work.


Protest PostersThis term, students will be completing a project which aim to build on their skills to develop a project through the narrative, iterative process, using the assessment objectives.Students will be working more independently, developing their projects in a more individual way. In the first half term, the students will be developing their understanding of simple and direct communication by developing a protest poster.We will be looking at the history of protest posters in a number of historic contexts, up to modern versions and then completing critical analysis demonstrating this understanding. The students will then work though the AO1-4 assessment objective structure to create their own poster in response to a cause of their own interest.Throughout the term the students will also be working on their observational skills and their understanding and experience with different media. These will be in the form of intense masterclasses, which will form part of their portfolio experience. Within the structure which they are now familiar with, the students will gain an understanding of the poster within a particular context and the impact that culture plays in the use of the graphics media. Students will also gain an understanding of protest within the context of a demographic society and the impact that peaceful protest and the use of effective communication has on a society. Students will also gain an understanding that protest is not a global norm and that some societies discourage and sanction peaceful protest. Students will learn about effective posters and effective use of colour and typography to send a message. They will build on their understanding of critical analysis and how this can help them to formulate their own work and their understanding of the work of others. Students will continue to experiment with a range of materials, recording their observations of each technique as they use it. Students will have a completed project at the end which has high quality analysis, with all key issues and elements addressed within the analysis. This will have depth of understanding and will utilize high quality literacy and language. Each element of the assessment objectives will be fully addressed and will key into the iterative and narrative structure of the whole. Students will also contribute to class criticisms with effective comments which assist other students to make progress. Students will experiment with different media and will utilize the appropriate media to achieve the desired effect within the genre. Students will have fully investigated different media and will have made reasoned choices. This work will be presented as part of their portfolio work, which will begin to form their body of work. In addition students will present outcomes and their peers will be required to peer assess these outcomes, to develop their critical awareness. Their skills based work will be assessed against the Assessment Objectives AO1-4 in the AQA Specification.

Year 11 Curriculum plans

Term What are we learning? What Knowledge, Understanding and Skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?


NEA PortfolioIn this term students will be completing one project, which prepares them for the Mock Exam at the end of the term. The work will be on the theme of Identity. Although this is prep. For a Mock exam, the project will form part of their portfolio of work. The students will spend the lesson time researching, developing, refining and recording work towards a final piece to be completed in exam condition in a period of 10 hours. Students will use the AQA Assessment criteria which require a narrative approach for this project. Students will experiment with a range of materials, recording their observations of each technique as they use it. Students will select from their experiences of different materials and techniques to create an original piece of work in the genre of self-portrait. Students will present their wok to an audience and will learn how to be able to explain the narrative of the development of their work. Students will produce a narrative iterative development of a final piece of work on the theme of Identity, which shows the fullest of development processes, including a full and deep analysis of the work of two professional designers. Their final piece will be fully complete and will make use of a recognizable reference back to the work of the initial professional designers work. The student will be able to present their work and present their thinking throughout. They will demonstrate a high ability to create a portfolio which satisfies Assessment criteria 1-4 at the exceptional level. This work will be presented as part of their portfolio work, which will begin to form their body of work. In addition Students will present outcomes and their peers will be required to peer assess these outcomes, to develop their critical awareness. Their skills based work will be assessed against the Assessment Objectives AO1-4 in the AQA Scheme of Work.


Prep for exam using Pre-releaseIn this term, students will be working individually to complete their four projects for their final portfolio to be assessed. Each student will be guided by an individualised crib sheet provided by their teacher which details which piece of work needs to be completed for each project. They will be given the Assessment Objectives in detail so that they are aware where their weaknesses lie and where their portfolios are strong.The teacher will update the sheets online so that each student is aware of their completion rates with comments for even further improvement.  Students will use the AQA Assessment criteria which require a narrative approach for each project. Students will experiment with a range of materials, recording their observations of each technique as they use it. Students will select from their experiences of different materials and techniques to create an original piece of work in the genre of self-portrait. Students will ensure that each of their projects have a narrative iterative approach and that each of the assessment objectives are addressed for each project to their fullest extent. Their final projects will be complete and will address all of the assessment objectives 1- 4 for each stage. The student will be able to present their work and present their thinking throughout. They will demonstrate a high ability to create a portfolio which satisfies Assessment criteria 1-4 at the exceptional level. Their portfolio will be assessed against the Assessment Objectives 1-4 as stipulated n the AQA Specification. The teacher will form their final grade utilising the Assessment Objectives to form their final indicative mark.
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