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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Deanes


Year 7 Curriculum plans

Term What are we learning? What Knowledge, Understanding and Skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?


Biology: Cell structure, Biomechanics We will learn about cells in the context of what keeps organisms alive and the link between structure and function. We will look at organisation within humans with a focus on the muscular and skeletal systems and how they combine to allow us to move. We will describe processes using technical terminology accurately and precisely and will build up and use a specialist vocabulary. We will develop our knowledge of scientific attitudes and our experimental skills. Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions.

Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains a low stakes quiz to check understanding of the key concepts being taught.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in the first term of Year 7. This test assesses students by using a range of multiple choice questions, short answer questions and longer written answers.


Chemistry: Particle model, Elements and compounds We will begin to learn that structure determines properties, that substances can be modelled as small particles in motion and that the stored energy and arrangement differs between different states of matter. We will describe substances as elements or compounds. We will describe processes using technical terminology accurately and precisely and will build up and use a specialist vocabulary. We will develop our knowledge of scientific attitudes, our experimental skills and how we analyse and evaluate. Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between chemical structures and their properties. Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains a low stakes quiz to check understanding of the key concepts being taught.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in the first term of Year 7. This test assesses students by using a range of multiple choice questions, short answer questions and longer written answers.


Physics: Energy transfers, balanced and unbalanced forces We will learn about the transfer of energy between energy stores. We will learn about forces by predicting how objects will move because of the forces acting upon them. We will describe processes using technical terminology accurately and precisely and will build up an extended specialist vocabulary. We will develop our knowledge of scientific attitudes, our experimental skills and how we analyse and evaluate.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between forces and their effects and energy transfers and their effects Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains a low stakes quiz to check understanding of the key concepts being taught.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in the first term of Year 7. This test assesses students by using a range of multiple choice questions, short answer questions and longer written answers.


Physics: Magnetic force, speed, reflection In physics we will explore magnetic fields, learn how to measure the speed of an object and investigate the behaviour of light, including the law of reflection and how colours and filters affect light. We will develop our knowledge of scientific attitudes, our experimental skills, how we analyse and evaluate and our abilty to use scientific measurement.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between forces and their effects and energy transfers and their effects. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


Biology: Plant biology, Feeding relationships. We will learn about the process of photosynthesis and reproduction in plants, focusing on the link between structure and function. We will look at how organisms interact in food chains. We will describe processes using technical terminology accurately and precisely and will build up and use a specialist vocabulary. Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions and connections in food webs.  Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test. 


Chemistry: Chemical and physical change. We will learn about the signs that a chemical change has taken place and the difference between a chemical and physical change. We will describe processes using technical terminology accurately and precisely and will build up and use a specialist vocabulary.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


Chemistry: Chemical and physical change  We will learn about the signs that a chemical change has taken place and the difference between a chemical and physical change. We will describe processes using technical terminology accurately and precisely and will build up and use a specialist vocabulary.  We will develop our   experimental skills.   Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


BiologyCellular energy, Variation, sexual and asexual We will learn about how our bodies react to the changing energy demands of our cells, how the genes inside your cells and the environment create variation and about how reproduction happens. We will develop how we analyse and evaluate. Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


ChemistrySolutions, pH scale We will learn about how solutions are formed and what solubility means before considering what the pH scale tells us about acidic and alkaline solutions. We will develop our experimental skills and how we analyse and evaluate.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will write about chemical changes by using word and symbol equations. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


PhysicsElectric current, Friction, Gravitaional force We will learn about current in series and parallel circuits, how the force of friction can be both useful and a nuisance and how the non-contact force of gravity is affected by the size of an object and the distance from that object. We will develop how we analyse and evaluate.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between forces and their effects and energy transfers in circuits and their effects. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.

Year 8 Curriculum plans

Term What are we learning? What Knowledge, Understanding and Skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?


Biology: Specialised cells, digestive system. We will learn about specific examples of specialised cells and their functions. We will also learn about organisation within the digestive system and the role of digestive organs. We will develop how we analyse and evaluate.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions.

Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains a low stakes quiz to check understanding of the key concepts being taught.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in this term and since the start of Year 7. This test assesses students by using a range of multiple choice questions, short answer questions and longer written answers.


Chemistry: Neutralisation, mixtures and acid reactions. We will learn about what a mixture is and the different methods needed to separate different types of mixture. We will learn how neutralisation reactions occur and about the reactions of acids with substances such as metals. We will develop our experimental skills, how we analyse and evaluate and howwe use scientific mesurements.   Chemical equations will be written in the correct format and symbol equations will be balanced. Patterns will be used to predict reactions and write equations.

Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains a low stakes quiz to check understanding of the key concepts being taught.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in this term and since the start of Year 7. This test assesses students by using a range of multiple choice questions, short answer questions and longer written answers.


Physics: Wasted energy, weight and current and magnetism. We will learn how energy transfers often result in wasted energy. We will understand the link between weight, gravity and mass and we will learn the link between current and magnetism. We will develop our experimental skills, how we analyse and evaluate and our use of scientific measurement.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between cause and effect.

Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains a low stakes quiz to check understanding of the key concepts being taught.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in this term and since the start of Year 7. This test assesses students by using a range of multiple choice questions, short answer questions and longer written answers.


Chemistry: Simple or giant, Earth processes We will begin to consider how structure affects properties by studying simple and giant molecules, the intermolecular forces holding them together and how this affects named properties. We will also look at how the chemistry of rocks has changed the Earth over millennia. We will develop our experimental skills and how we analyse and evaluate.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and chemical processes. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


Physics: Solar system, Refraction. We will learn how the Earth’s place in the solar system affects phenomena such as day length and seasons.  We will also explain the process of refraction.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between cause and effect.  Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


Biology: Aerobic and anaerobic,  Competition.  We will learn about the processes of aerobic and anaerobic repsiration and what plants and animals compete for in order to stay alive.  We will develop  our experimental skills, how we analyse and evaluate and our use of scientific measurment.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions.  Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test. 


BiologyPlant leaves, menstrual cycle, natural selection, health. We will learn about how leaves in plants are adapted for efficient photosynthesis, build on the knowledge of reproduction by understanding the events of the menstrual cycle, begin to explore the concept of natural selection and understand how lifestyle choices can impact upon health. We will develop our experimental skills and how we analyse and evaluate.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


PhysicsDensity and pressure, resistance, potential difference We will learn about the concepts of density and pressure and about electrical resistance and potential difference. We will develop our knowledge of scientific attitudes, our experimental skills, how we analyse and evaluate and how we use scientific measurement.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between forces and their effects and energy transfers in circuits and their effects. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.

Year 9 Curriculum plans

Term What are we learning? What Knowledge, Understanding and Skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?


Biology: Gas exchange, embryo development.
  We will learn how gas exchange happens in the lungs, how embryo development can be affected by lifestyle choices. We will develop our experimental skills.     Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions.  Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains a low stakes quiz to check understanding of the key concepts being taught.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in this term alongside knowledge from Year 7 and 8. This test assesses students by using a range of multiple choice questions, short answer questions and longer written answers.


Chemistry: Important chemical processes Students will learn about some important chemical processes such as combustion, oxidation and reduction. They will learn how reactivity can be used in metal extraction. We will develop how we analyse and evaluate and how we use scientific measurement.  Students will write balanced symbol equations and give detailed descriptions of the processes using scientific language. Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains a low stakes quiz to check understanding of the key concepts being taught.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in this term alongside knowledge from Year 7 and 8. This test assesses students by using a range of multiple choice questions, short answer questions and longer written answers.


Physics: distance graphs, sound, electric charge, heat and temperature, machines. Students will learn how to draw and interpret graphs about motion. They will learn about the nature of sound and its applications and about the nature of static electricity. They will also learn about heat transfer and how forces are used in simple machines. We will develop how we analyse and evaluate and how we use scientific measurement.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between forces and motion and the movement of electrons in creating static charge. Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains a low stakes quiz to check understanding of the key concepts being taught.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in this term alongside knowledge from Year 7 and 8. This test assesses students by using a range of multiple choice questions, short answer questions and longer written answers.


Biology: Inheritance.  In biology we will build upon our knowledge to  determine how characteristics are inherited from parents. We will develop our knowledge of scientific attitudes.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and students will use family trees to ascertain the likelihood of inheritance.  Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


ChemistryFundamental chemistry: Atoms In chemistry we will develop our understanding of what an atom is by looking at how models of the atom have developed over time, leading us to the current nuclear model.  We will also learn about patterns in reactivity. We will develop our knowledge of scientific attitudes, our experimental skills, how we analyse and evaluate.   Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts. The properties of subatomic particles will be described in detail and used to explain observations. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


PhysicsFundamental physics: Energy stores and transfers In physics we will develop our understanding of how energy is transferred between stores, including the use of mathematical equations. We will develop our experimental skills and how we use scientific measurement.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts. Physics calculations will be set out correctly and answers will also be expressed with the correct scientific unit. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


Biology:  Fundamental biology: Cell structure, Fundamental biology 2 [cell transport and division].  In biology we will build upon our knowledge to further understand the structure and function of cells, then we will build upon our knowledge of cells to understand the processes involved in the transport of substances and how cells divide to make copies of themselves. We will develop our experimental skills, how we analyse and how we use scientific measurement.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


ChemistryFundamental chemistry: The Periodic Table  Students will explore how the periodic table helps to organise chemical knowledge. We will develop our knowledge of scientific attitudes.   Excellent work will make links between the structure of the periodic table and how it is used, make links between chemical tests and their results and use the correct terminology in a range of contexts. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


PhysicsFundamental physics: Particle model, Fundamental physics: internal energy Students will explore how the particle model is applied to understand the internal energy within a system. We will develop our knowledge of scientific attitudes, our experimental skills and how we use scientific measurement.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between the particle model and effects such as changes of state Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.

Year 10 Curriculum plans

Term What are we learning? What Knowledge, Understanding and Skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?


  Biology: Digestive system, Circulatory system, non-communicable disease, plant organs. 
  Students will learn the functions of the digestive and circulatory systems. They will learn how lifestyle choices can cause disease and will also learn about how plants are organised.  We will develop our experimental skills and strategies, how we analyse and evaluate, our arithmetic and numeric computation, our graph skills and how we handle data.    Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts, will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions and describe biological processes in detail. Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains an activity where students will be assessed on their application or analysis skills in a low stakes environment.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in their first GCSE topics. This test assesses students by using a range of question styles that reflect the questions used in GCSE examinations.


  Chemistry: chemical bonds, chemical measurements, chemical analysis.
Students will learn to use theories of structure and bonding to explain the properties of materials. Students will use chemical measurements to describe compounds and reactions. They will also learn how to test for common gases. We will develop how we analyse and evaluate, how we use mathematical nomenclature for arithmetic and numeric computation, our graph skills and our algebraic skills.    Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between chemical structures and their properties. Chemical equations will be written in the correct format and symbol equations will be balanced. Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains an activity where students will be assessed on their application or analysis skills in a low stakes environment.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in their first GCSE topics. This test assesses students by using a range of question styles that reflect the questions used in GCSE examinations.


  Physics: Current, potential difference and resistance, delivering electricity
We will learn about how the flow of current, the potential difference in a circuit and the resistance interact and can be calculated. We  will also learn how electricity makes the journey from a power station to your home. We will develop our experimental skills and strategies, how we analyse and evaluate, our arithmetic and numeric computation, and our algebraic skills.   Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between current, potential difference and resistance. Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains an activity where students will be assessed on their application or analysis skills in a low stakes environment.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in their first GCSE topics. This test assesses students by using a range of question styles that reflect the questions used in GCSE examinations.


Biology: Communicable disease  Students will learn about how pathogens cause infectious disease and explore the function of our immune system. We will develop our knowledge of the developmetof scientific thinking, experimental skills and strategies, graph skills and how we handle data.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts, will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions and describe biological processes in detail. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


Chemistry: Allotropes of carbon, Reactions of acids, Electrolysis, Energy changes Students will develop how they communicate about chemical reactions in a quantitative way. Students will also understand how acids react with different substances and about energy changes during reactions. We will develop our experimental skills and strategies, how we analyse and evaluate, our arithmetic and numeric computation, our geometry and trigonometry skills and our algebraic skills. Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between chemical structures and their properties. Chemical equations will be written in the correct format and symbol equations will be balanced. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


Physics: Atoms and nuclear radiation. Students will learn about the types of nuclear radiation, their properties and effects. We will develop our knowledge of scientific thinking and our algebraic skills. Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the changes due to nuclear radiation by writing balanced equations. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


BiologyRespiration, Homeostasis and the nervous system Students will explore the process of respiration, including the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.Students will then learn how the  process of homeostasis and the nervous system help to control somne bodily functions. We will develop our experimental skills and strategies, how we analyse and evaluate and our algebraic skills.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts, will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions and describe biological processes in detail.  Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test


ChemistryAmounts of substances, Chemistry of the atmosphere Students will learn how to use the periodic table in chemical calculations, and how our understanding of chemistry will help to solve the problems with the Earth's atmosphere. We will develop our use of mathematical nomencalture, our arithmetic and numeric computation and our algebraic skills.  Excellent work will make links between the periodic table and chemical calculations, completing all calculations in the best format. Links will also be made between the greenhouse effect and global warming. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.


PhysicsForces and their interactions Students will further develop how they describe interacting forces and analyse these interactions mathematically.  We will develop our experimental skills, our arithmetic and numeric computation and our skills about geometry and trigonometry. Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between forces and their effects Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval and a summative test.

Year 11 Curriculum plans

Term What are we learning? What Knowledge, Understanding and Skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?


Biology: Ecology,  hormones, reproduction, evolution.  We will learn how organisms interact in ecosystems, the role of hormones and about the types of reproduction and how this leads to the inheritance of genes.  We will also learn about the process of evolution by natural selection. We will develop our knowledge of scientific thinking, how we analyse and evaluate, our arithmetic and numeric computation, our graph skills and how we handle data.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between biological structures and their functions. Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains an activity where students will be assessed on their application or analysis skills in a low stakes environment.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in the first term of Year 11 alongside topics from earlier in the GCSE course. This test assesses students by using a range of question styles that reflect the questions used in GCSE examinations.


Chemistry: Rates of reaction and reversible reactions and organic chemistry Students will explore how variables can be manipulated in order to speed up chemical reactions or slow them down. We will establish how to maximise the yield of a desired product in reactions that are reversible and relate these to the work of chemical engineers.  We will learn about the varying homologous series of hydrocarbons.   We will develop our experimental skills and strategies, how we analyse and evaluate, our arithmetic and numeric computation, our graph skills and how we handle data. Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between particles and reactions. Chemical equations will be written in the correct format and symbol equations will be balanced. Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains an activity where students will be assessed on their application or analysis skills in a low stakes environment.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in the first term of Year 11 alongside topics from earlier in the GCSE course. This test assesses students by using a range of question styles that reflect the questions used in GCSE examinations.


Physics: Magnetism and waves Students will appreciate the effect of magnetic forces and fields and how we harness this for our use with the motor effect. Students will also learn about the properties of waves.  We will develop how we analyse and evaluate, our arithmetic and numeric computation and our use of mathematical nomenclature.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the links between cause and effect. Teachers will use formative assessment to routinely assess students’ knowledge and understanding. Each topic contains an activity where students will be assessed on their application or analysis skills in a low stakes environment.  Regular knowledge retrieval tests check that students are remembering the key knowledge.  A summative test checks what students have learned in the first term of Year 11 alongside topics from earlier in the GCSE course. This test assesses students by using a range of question styles that reflect the questions used in GCSE examinations.


Biology: Changing organisms We will learn about how our knowledge of the genome can be used to alter characteristics through processes such as genetic engineering.  We will develop knowledge of scientific thinking. Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the sequence of biological processes.     Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval, past exam questions and a summative test.


Chemistry: Using resources Students will learn about the chemistry of how resources are extracted, used and disposed of after use.  We will develop how we analyse and evaluate.  Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts and will make explicit the sequence of chemical processes.  Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval, past exam questions and a summative test.


Physics: Magnetism, Waves Students will appreciate the effect of magnetic forces and fields and how we harness this for our use with the motor effect. Students will also learn about the properties of waves. Excellent work will use the correct terminology in a range of contexts. Assessment will be through multiple choice questions, knowledge retrieval, past exam questions and a summative test.

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