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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Deanes

Student Support


Through regular staff dialogue and a very comprehensive and detailed data, teachers are provided with information on the appropriate levels of challenge and support needed for every student. If you are capable of achieving a Grade 8 in Maths, for example, your teacher will have this information even before they meet you in your first lesson.

At The Deanes, we see this journey to success as a team effort with teachers, parents and students working collaboratively. We provide students and parents with a wealth of support measures as set out below, to enable every student to reach their personalised, aspirational targets.


As the students enter Key Stage 4, many find it difficult to manage their time constructively between the demands of individual subject areas, keeping to coursework deadline dates and ensuring that they still maintain a healthy work-life balance. Support and guidance are available to these students through one of the many mentoring programmes the school has to offer.

Ideally the student is matched to a mentoring programme which we feel they would benefit the most from whether this be holistic mentoring delivered by form tutors or senior teachers, community mentoring or subject mentoring.

Typically our mentoring programmes involve regular and individual monitoring interviews which take a specific interest in the success of the student, aiming to build the student’s confidence and self esteem. The students are made fully aware of their target grades and current performance. Their potential is discussed in relation to their achievement and their own aspirations and intentions. Current issues are also discussed relating to coursework, homework and examination preparation. Short term achievable targets are set to encourage the students to make further progress and take responsibility for their own learning.


The Learning Resource Centre provides an excellent work-place with ICT facilities and other resources where students can go to work out of school hours. Many students find it easier to work away from distractions. It is open at lunch time and after school until 4.30pm.


We ask you, as parents, to:

  • Ensure that your son/daughter has excellent attendance and punctuality

  • Monitor homework

  • Read and sign the student planner every week

  • Attend consultation and information evenings

  • Communicate concerns via the Form Tutor or Head of Year.

Key Stage 4 is a crucial stage in all young people’s school careers. We want to work with students and parents to make sure that learning is the focus. Parents can help us by ensuring that the dress code, school rules and behaviour do not become issues. 


The Learning Support Department continues to work in partnership with students, parents and teachers to ensure that students achieve their full potential throughout Key Stage 4.

For further details please speak to Miss Douglass (SENCO).


We have an independent Careers Advisor, Verna Scroxton, from the Southend Connexions Service. Verna Scroxton visits The Deanes on a Tuesday to support our students.

We can put students and parents in touch with information on, for example:

  • Learning, revision and exams

  • Work experience opportunities

  • Voluntary work opportunities

  • Sport and leisure opportunities

  • Qualification and careers

  • Colleges and Universities

  • Apprenticeships

  • Jobs

  • Financial support

  • Legal rights 


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